
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Make Your Own Resurrection Eggs

If you’ve never heard of Resurrection Eggs, they are definitely worth investing in. Inside each Easter egg is an object for kids to handle that symbolizes a part of the Easter story. Our class used a simple devotional book to go along with it and opened a few every day. 

At the end of the week, we made our own for the students to take home and share with their families! 

Just have each child bring in an empty egg carton and a dozen colorful eggs (they are cheap at the Dollar Tree!) The things to place inside it are not as elaborate as the store-bought resurrection eggs, but they are items you probably already have on hand. Attach an explanation page to the top or inside of the carton, and let the children fill the eggs, retelling the story as they go. (This worked well as a review.) I know that explanation page is really small, so here are the words.

Sharing the Egg-citement of Easter: the most glorious story ever told! This carton contains 12 plastic eggs. As each egg is opened, the Easter story comes alive for young children.

1 cradles a cracker, a remembrance of the Last Supper

2 holds a dime, representing the silver coins Judas received for betraying Jesus

3 contains a piece of rope like the soldiers used to bind Jesus’ hands when they arrested Him

4 is filled with purple cloth, symbolic of royalty and the taunting Jesus faced when He called Himself King

5 carries a thorn (stick) for the prickly crown pressed onto Jesus’ head

6 opens to a cross representing the one Jesus died on so we could be forgiven

7 holds a nail; Christ was nailed to the cross

8 has a piece of a sponge, reminding us of the vinegar given to Jesus when He asked for water

9 carries a toothpick with foil tip, symbolic of the spear hurled into Jesus’ side

10 contains a piece of gauze; Jesus’ body was wrapped by His friends before burial

11 cradles a rock, symbolic of the tombstone rolled away by an angel

12 is empty! Jesus is no longer dead, but alive!

I hope this helps to bring the Easter story alive for your children… and for you!


  1. Love Resurrection eggs! Featured this today on the Sunday Showcase! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for linking up on Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned it.
