The beginning of another school year is upon us, and so far my
little ones have enjoyed lots of painting projects! This was one of their
favorites – a way for us to introduce colors, make a fun collaborative work of
art, and get messy with some paint!
OK, so I know it’s not really a “quilt,” but we can pretend! And using paper and yarn is certainly a lot easier than doing lots of stitches.
My version is pretty easy – I just give each child a different
colored piece of construction paper and that color (or a darker color) paint.
My assistant and I made squares too! But if you have an odd
number, just make an extra square with a “Classroom Quilt” title on it or
something – this is flexible.
In the past, we have made these with sponges, but they really
got into making handprints.
It would be cute to include their pictures on top of their
handprints, or let older children glue small collage materials of the same
color on top of the paint.
Then I just punched 2 holes along each side and tied a little
bit of yarn between them to hold it all together.
And there you have it! A simple combination of our artistic brilliance
all wrapped up in this beginning of school friendship quilt.
May I ask what paint did you use here?